Friday, November 6, 2015

Single Dad Point of View


Its been awhile since I've updated the blog. I certainly miss the therapy of just jotting down my thoughts and wondering if sharing them is the best idea. I often remember why I'm doing it and that is to learn and grow, so why not share.

This post can go one of many ways:

  1. It can come across as arrogant
  2. Highly opinionated 
  3. Just plain bullshit

This may comes across as arrogance

Being a single dad (And single mom) can be tough. The dating life is probably one of the most difficult to find time for. Many of the people you are trying to date has kids themselves and trying to mesh schedules can nearly be impossible.

On top of it all, Single Dads want many of the same things as other single guys. The want a partner that values them for who they are as a person. This is where it gets a little dicey.

Great Dad?

I often hear, how great of a Dad I am. I take care of my kids, I do things with them etc... These things are very flattering and they make me happy. I do have several problems with those words.

If spending time with my kids makes me a great Dad, then our society is FUCKED UP. Sorry for the language, but this is just plain crazy. This is what a father/dad should do and it shouldn't be extraordinary.

If you guys aren't spending time with your kids then you're a moron. I don't want to hear all this stuff about baby mamma is keeping me away, yada yada yada. I know there are exceptions, but a lot of guys slacking here.

Like me for me, not my kids

Second, making the comment about being a great dad often comes with (not always), You need help, I would help you.

I'm not looking for a Maid or a Babysitter. If a relationship grows, yes my kids will be involved, but please don't think its attractive that you want to look after my kids. They have a mother.

Like me for me, not how I am with my kids.

Don't be fooled by Instagram and Facebook

You see what I want you to see. There are lots of bad days and lots of good ones as well. I've fucked up plenty of shit over the years. Yes, the nice picture with my boys may look cute, but I'm just as messed up as the next person. Probably more, Remember I have 3 boys. :-)

Thanks for listening. I don't know if this made sense. Its late. I'm tired and I couldn't sleep. Keep that in mind if you chose to read this.